Friday, April 13, 2012

kéké visits paris!! :D

Its been such a fantastic few, kindness all around...

I've always wanted to visit Paris and no one could have planned it better for was an impromptu "pack your bags dude!!" text from a dear dear friend and the tone was an emphatic "ofcourse!! I wont take no for an answer" -- so what choice did I really have but to have fun!

I am leading a rather envious life right now, even if I say so myself...there is abundance of kindness, niceness, beauty, warmth, lucidity!! For once, actually, I cant remember when this happened last, I am not craving solitude. I am not craving for 'me' time! It feels full, it feels perfect!

So, road trip to Paris! Beautiful beautiful city! Wonderful wonderful family with whom I felt comfortable with from the word go!! Saw all the touristy attractions...!!

There I was at the tower standing right in front of it...mouth wide open...going "how can man not really be god in his truest state...if he can build something like this!!" :D

Got my posterior seated in two super cars and taken for a spin!! All in all PERFECT weekend.

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