Friday, December 30, 2011

I've realized...

--> I can....therefore I must help!!

--> That its not the quantum but it is the willingness to share that matters.

--> Every tiny little drop of help helps those in need in more ways than you can imagine.

--> It truly is an emotion thats deeply spiritual and fulfilling.

Please feel free to join me / our team

Thursday, December 22, 2011

of cross-dressers and their daily predicaments...

Quote I read on a friend's facebook wall who took it from an "undisclosed" source --> "I stopped trying to be a man cause its such a waste of a woman" and I continue quote "now who cares who said this, this quote takes it all!"

Obvious questions --> What was "tried" and what was "wasted" and what/who is "all" and finally are we even sure this wasn't a cross dressing male/female who was very simply just having a hard time making his/her mind about what 'type' of clothes to wear that particular day?!

Conclusion --> That quote was vaguely brilliant yet brilliantly vague..!! So now I am having a hard time making up my mind to "like" it or not...

Some one PLEASE help....the cross dresser first...obviously thats a bigger crisis...!! :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Glory...and what it is worth...

Emil Cioran's perhaps most thought provoking a.k.a the question that disturbed me the most is (or rather was...till few evenings back) - "Glory - once achieved what is it worth?"

We, human beings, whether we want to or not, need inspiration, aspiration, appreciation! Why we need those - that'll be a separate topic of discussion for a later point in time.

For ponderers - most times, our inspirations/aspirations directly or indirectly reflect those virtues, that people who matter most to us, wish for us to cultivate and live by. The end result of which, as distant as it may appear right now, is perceived as indescribable by mere words.

I would like to believe, what IT is worth therefore, is directly equal to the 'waste' of potential if not achieved/utilized. Only that Learned teacher would know this suffering. Only That devout student of his would truly understand the pain and see IT worthy of pursuit. Only They can explain what I have perhaps failed to explain here - what Glory is really worth.