Sunday, February 15, 2009

a critical analysis... is my opinion that the need/reason to change or improve something that already does the job is very simple...


lets analyse this for just a of the reasons for making the play station 3 is that play station 2 was not a reason good enough for guys to get out of the following -

1. mow the lawn
2. take out the trash
3. change nappies on the new born
4. pay the bills

alright you know what I am talking about!

Now, with the play station 3, men all over the world can breathe easy about trying to come out with believable lies for excuses to their better halves!

"Sweetheart! can you find a full time job as I want to add four more trophies to my NFS collection?"

"Oh...sorry I am playing GTA now...can you please take out the trash today?" 

and the lady WILL understand whole heartedly and go "Oh sorry, I forgot you exchanged the old PS2 for the PS3...what is your new record for the day? "

ofcorse when you have the PS3 hooked up to a 53" flat screen with a yamaha home theater system...your actions are fully understood and may be even condoned like say for forget to call the fire men when the kitchen is on fire or you forget to breathe and may be even die!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

is it time to run??

well...when you travel to work everyday on the same train...have coffee from the same place...that I guess means you are starting to get into a very very comfortable routine!

As with most 'routine' activities, you are going to be seeing other people whose comfortable routine  matches your own. Ofcorse, I see a lot of same faces everywhere everyday. There is this unspoken acknowledgement of the other person's presence. It is sometimes a little nod of the head or a raise of the eyebrows or rarely a little smile!

Few days back, I saw one such comfortable routine road/train person. Both of us were late for our train by a few minutes than our usual time. This person started to walk faster and faster. I followed at the same increasing pace. All of sudden the walk turned into a run. We were almost moving beside each other and clearly I believed there was no need to run as we were going to make it to our train on time. So, well I do not know why I asked but I did..."is it time to run??" 

We were both laughing after I asked this question.

"Well...dont you think its time to run?" 

"No, we will be alright. Its always late by a minute anyway"

"Yes. Ofcorse"

"Have a great day"

"Thank you. You too have a wonderful day"

Well, I do not have the slightest of clues where this person is from, work place, nothing...I know this person as 'Flemington to Townhall - 0735 AM' and we greet each other every morning!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


when you really really want something 'great' but deep down you know that you dont deserve something that great...there is very little to do other than feel a little sad and indulge in a little bit of 'Oh what if...' and playfully entertain yourself...
and then quickly try to snap out of it and make the full use of the offer available to watch movies at half price! be continued