Thursday, December 13, 2012

...this quest toward...

This quest toward this un-diminishable "eternally-happy" zone is inescapable, once realization, of this seemingly endless loops that becomes of life, dawns!!

Anything tangible that you strive to gain, possess, and eventually in the end, successfully achieve, is always subject to the economic law of marginal returns. Therefore, at the end, you realize the pursuit was often more pleasurable than the actual "find" or "gain" or "result" and that also perhaps explains why this search or pursuit almost immediately restarts as soon as there is a perceived marginal diminish in derived pleasure. At that point, the enormity of the pursuit itself seems so insignificant and the eventual ultimate dis-satisfaction is almost magically forgotten, ignored....

It wont take long to see the endless loop:
pursuit -> result -> dis-satisfaction -> pursuit again -> result -> dis-satisfaction -> pursuit -> 
...and the mystery magic begins to be less and less potent!!

The wise ones are woken up and commence wandering towards this 'zone' with no endless loops. At first, it almost seems imaginary and a make-believe-cynical "too good to be true"!! Soon, it turns into a semi-serious "what if"!! I believe the point at which you sincerely make this your true pursuit, ambition, goal - result wont be far and there wont be any need for another pursuit EVER again!! 

असतोमा सद्गमय
तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ।।
शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ।।बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् 

...brilliantly intrusive sales...!

...from an online discount warehouse sales store:

email 1: random subject, no content, just sender but written in a way you can't miss who the email is from...

email 2: a rather humble apology note from them for first blank email with a discount for 5 bucks if you purchase something within the next 7 days! certainly put a smile on my face, despite the absolute horror of a week this has been!! 
