Monday, September 26, 2011

Ode to my solitude...

Very clichéd title...but I hope/believe the contents perhaps aren't!

you are my everything...
you are my friend...
for as long as you are here...
there truly is no dissonance I need fear...
you say the things nobody dares to say...
whilst keeping me company every night and day...
my dear solitude...leave me not till the end...
I wont let you go...
unless you wish me too...I fear...
like all things...I hold dear...
with the hope of  discovering....
a replacement...
as constant... as you are to me!
for as long as you are here...
there truly is no dissonance I need fear...


Ramya Rajkumar said...

soopah da! really liked readin this ... enjoyed it thoroughly

Life goes on..... said...

A poet in the making:)