Sunday, September 11, 2011

...breakfast banter!

Beautiful morning today! Perfect morning truth be told...there is that certain energy at home this morning...!!

Very often 'ponderers' like myself have the 'right' or 'wrong' debate! And mostly that debate sort of acts as a prequel to the 'done' or the 'not-done' the mind-movie!!

I mean we always do what we want..! So this debate is often just a meaningless autopsy of the dead done deed...followed by a 'fresher' list of even more meaningless resolutions that never will be followed through on...! :)

I think here is where the GREAT Swami Sivananda's quote has helped me -- "Be good. Do good" and in my rather humble opinion, especially, on this topic where I try to give my explanation to a great quote/instruction from the Great Swami, the brilliance lies in the bluntness of the quote.

It wasn't "Be right! and Do right!" It wasn't "Think good! and Feel good!"

Be good to yourself & others and Do good to yourself & others!! It can even be as simple as not hurting yourself and others intentionally!! If at all any resolution is to be taken and followed through on...this is the one!!

The perfect blend of self discipline and karma yoga!! Resulting in seeing yourself in others and others in yourself and ultimately being the ONE Self!!

1 comment:

Life goes on..... said...

love this one!...the last para says it all....