Wednesday, June 18, 2014

...the enormous distance between near and here...

As usual, this blog has been coming for a while now...

Every life, especially human, has an objective, the sooner that objective reveals itself to the subject, the easier it is to get your act together in pursuit of the objective....! This is a rather strange phenomenon really when you think about it...How does the objective choose to reveal itself? And when does it do so?

The shortest distance between two planes/points is a straight line and even a micro millimeter deviation from the shortest path has the potential to lead you a completely undesired end goal....! This is common sense, this being said, doesn't the ALL knowing objective know this?!

Quoting Jabala Upanishad and as usual analyzing it perhaps more than necessary!

तवं वा अहम अस्मि भगवतो देवते।
अहम वा तवं अस्मि भगवतो देवते||

To realize "that art thou" is "near"
To realize "thou art that" is "here"

...the distance between near and here seems like an exhausting one to cover!! :-(


Unknown said...

I have been grappling with this thought for a while now. Does the objective reveal itself or must I go out there and find it? Whats the real journey here? What if the objective is the destination?

I frequently ask myself this and this thought isnt any less frustrating than the wait. Uncertainty is truly a character building experience :p

Deleted this comment and added it back because i forgot to check the email followup option

karthik said...

Dear Avinash,

I don't know which school of thought your spiritual beliefs closely resemble. Mine is tightly attached to the Advaita school of thought revamped and spread by the Great Adi Sankaracharya. I found most of my answers in the great Acharya's teachings (Vivekachoodamani) and also Ramana Maharishi's teachings. It is actually rather plain and brutal....I am here to realize my true nature which transcends the name and body my parents have given me. It is a boundaryless, fearless, desireless pure existence.

The journey, the path, the objective (all seem merged at this point in time as you hinted in your comment) is needless to say is brilliantly vague...but I have been lucky in life to have met some truly great souls who constantly ensure that I dont lose the plot! :)


Unknown said...

I really love this post. It shows how limiting the ego is. Realising the universe is infinite is easy for the ego, realising the self is infinite is impossible for it as it thrives on separation. I keep coming back to this post for those lines in the end. Write more from the upanishads. I would love to read. Thanks for sharing your knowledge :)

karthik said...

Thank you Avinash. Kind words from you there.
Yes, I intend to write more next year! I have some trouble with establishing some boundaries when I start writing on this topic because it is so beautifully inter-connected.