Saturday, August 10, 2013

...the fear of a blank planet!!

Yet another spark of pure inspiration whilst interacting with this youngster, I recently befriended. Youth!! What an amazing phase in life. Inspiration that sells at a premium around mid-30s is available in abundance and free "then"...! ;-)

Paul Brunton wrote "...we have yet to learn to be, for we have already learnt to do..."  This statement talks to me at a number of different levels. There's this obvious reference to the Indian Vedic "Tat Tvam Asi" (crudely translated to "Thou Art That") but along with that was he conveying something else I wonder?

Had we "learnt to do" the right thing, perhaps it wont have to be undone as he is suggesting. In fact, when I re-examine this statement from an 'outwardly' view...every man-made creation...seems to have the following characteristics:
1. Incomplete and evolving.
2. Is in pursuit of compliance with the ever-shifting socio-economic standard that requires some serious examination.
3. Hardly ever accounts for the unjustifiable damage to the environment that this dreamy experiment of an invention is carried out on.
4. Often an exaggerated solution to a really simple requirement.
5. Aimed at providing entertainment to the always-bored-pleasure-seeking-mind.

Obviously, technology, gadgets, hi-speed trains, aeroplanes are all things at the top of my mind when I write this. I mean, really, what is so horribly wrong with moving slower...??

Every single 'thing' used after its lifetime ends in some corner of the universe rendering that spot it occupies absolutely un-survivable for any specie of life.

Humans are the undisputed rulers of the planet and as spider-man says "with great power comes great responsibility" :)

There is this looming fear of a blank planet...for we have yet learn to be...for what have already learnt to do...

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