Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - even an atheist who denies the existence of a Supernatural has to accept this. Only that atheist can perhaps explain his own hypocrisy or lack of acumen and hide behind his childish "but physics is real" :-)
Any event personal or worldly when examined in isolation more often than not does not make much sense...! Often seems "unjust" "incomprehensible" and "unfair"...
Our current physical, mental, socio-economic state today is a consequence of what we did yesterday and tomorrow is a consequence of what we did today!! And some extrapolation of this: my current life is a consequence of my deeds done in my past life...and my next life will be a consequence of my deeds done in this life...!
Most every materially "developed" country (read - good roads, needlessly tall buildings etc etc) today faces the problem of immigration, jobs being transported to "developing" countries. I think this "situation" when looked at in isolation and perhaps when seen from a normal everyday "I don't buy into Karma" eye may seem unfair and unjust...!!! Lets rewind clocks a little bit...none of these "developing" countries went around the world and indulged in forcible "wealth" accumulation and conquest!!! Et voila....Grand opening of Karmic Pandora's Box!!!
If only Mr. Christopher Columbus and Mr. Vasco Da Gama stayed put in their respective homes...been "content" with what there already was.....and perhaps closed their eyes and sat for an hour or two of meditation, contemplation everyday! ;-)
That being said now, Karma on a personal level:
If reaction life "X" = Combined Result of actions in "X-1"...and "X-1" being results of actions in "X-2" and "X-2" being results of actions in "X-3" and so on...
What about that FIRST life "X"....??! The Vedas, discard this question as "illogical" And obviously, how can such a "smart", "intelligent" & "scientific" question be discarded as "illogical"?!
It makes as much sense as trying to ascertain the starting point of a complete circle and therefore "illogical" :-)
There seem to be two simultaneously "smart" "scientific" answers that my rather "non-scientific" mind can imagine:
- There is no starting point!!
- There are infinite starting points. It can be any and every point in the circle you lay your pen down on. They all have EQUAL claim of right to be its starting point!!
And whats even more "scientifically" shocking is in a full circle, every start point is also an end point!!!
And therefore, perhaps why the question itself was wisely discarded as "illogical"!! :-)