Sunday, May 15, 2011

Changing times...

First things first - the Pune era is coming to an end.

Last 48 hours or so here...good city...wide roads...reasonable people...plenty of good restaurants...and...and...and...I know this is never ever going to happen again in my working life -> work was exactly 6 minutes away from home! :)

But heres something really interesting - the internet and phone was down for the last three or four days and honestly I couldn't care less. Parents were extremely angry about it and I am going "good lord...whats happening here?!?!" I am extremely happy about the fact that both of them are net savvy, it is a relief actually especially when you are constantly travelling and there are times when internet is more 'available' than a public phone...but I think being upset about not being able to logon to facebook is a little amusing if not worrying...

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