Friday, October 29, 2010

Saree Jahan See Acchaa!

Most of us (...including yours truly) at some point in time or the other have felt bad or disappointed about having to deal with a lot of "unacceptables" in this truly lovely country that I am super proud to call my home...

Tonight...was special...something truly unit had an official gathering at a cozy little place near my residence...(super thanks to all who chose that place...the sheer relief that you feel past mid night knowing that you are home in about 5 mins is really hard to describe in words really)...towards the end of the night...I had this truly inspirational exchange of thoughts with this new found work friend...talking about history...culture...heritage...and mostly how India is more "human" in every sense and tone of that word...than the rest of the world...

HUM --> we/ours....
MAN --> mind....
HUMAN --> oneness in thought...! :)


Friday, October 15, 2010

all about the hunger!

Airports...airports seem to bring out the best in everyone!! here goes...

few weeks waiting behind a fellow flyer at the boarding gate...this was an early morning flight...visibly the bloke was little restless...he walks to the airport staff...displays his boarding card...and as he walks past this lady...."andhar khana milega na??" - "food is served inside right??"

This lady was stunned...and politely said..."yes"!

...I was behind this dude...and I couldn't help but smile at her..."I wouldn't dare ask that question in that tone to even my mom or my wife..."

....a giggly....."Enjoy your flight sir"

..."Yes. I will. Thank you. You have a good day"

Monday, October 11, 2010

baggage bliss!

I am sure most working professionals returning "home" for a break from work will be able to relate to this feeling of relief (no need to cook and clean for a few days), mild thrill (perhaps the recently launched F1 2010 game on the PS3 waiting for you as a surprise), guilt (coming home empty handed as you have just finished the box of cookies all by yourself)...etc etc...

But this isn't about all that - obviously everyone is attached to their luggage! No matter whats inside - you are attached to your bags, suitcases! There is no denying that! AND they are attached to you as well (YES YES YES!!)

How else would you explain the 4 somersaults that they perform on their way to reaching you on the baggage belt at the Madras airport!! They know you are too old and physically unfit, so they take over and exhibit that unmanageable bliss that you really feel inside every time you land home at the Madras airport!!

total freedom

Everyone wants to be free... most seem to stop at the "freedom to do whatever I wanna do, whenever I wanna do" phase. Recently, I took it to a slightly different dimension...

You will be able to achieve a sense of complete freedom, unless you kill your conscience somehow, only when you completely lose your ability to hurt anyone or anything (including yourself) willfully or unwittingly by your words/thoughts/actions!

In reality, I think if this has to be achieved, one must welcome the state of "total social insignificance"! :)

On a lighter note - wearing a cloak of invisibility is surely not a bad way to start...